Title: Chovvay Songha Pas Kanha Roub Sros 2011 - Sunny Happiness 幸福最晴天 Happiness is like a Sunny Day , The Sunniest Day of Happiness , Sunshine Day , Xing Fu Zui Qing Tian
Xiang Yun Jie is a rich man who was once divorced, and unknowingly had an eight year old son. He is also a young owner of a hotel. Fang Yong Yong is an orphan. She works as a housekeeper in the hotel that Xiang Yun Jie owns. The two of them started their fairytale like a love story from a 'fake marriage'. Xiang Yun Jie's brother, Xiang Yun Chao, is always hiding in the shadow, he is also the one who completes the love triangle.
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