Title: Nak Klahan Komchat Beysach 2017 - Exorcism Master 镇魂法师 , 僵尸来了3
Times of Ming Dynasty. Li Yan Zhi is an orphan who looks good at all kinds of black technology. In order to feed a group of old, weak, sick, and homeless, he had to be entrusted by the eunuch Zhao Yuanqi to help the tomb thieves get rid of the ancient tomb organ and open the tomb of Huang Chao. Unexpectedly, Zhao Yuan Qi and Han Zi Jia used Huang Chao to plot a terrifying conspiracy that would surely lead to a bloody storm. Li Yan Zhi finds that he is helping others to abuse, and may become a sinister who has caused a lot of evil. Li Yan Zhi reformed the evil and returned to the right, and decided to stop the conspiracy of Zhao Yuan Qi and Jiang Han Zi together with Xuan Yang Zi and Qin Yu of the Chongyang religion. Li Yan Zhi, who is completely incapable of martial arts, desperately crushed the conspiracy of the eunuch Zhao Yuan Qi.
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