Title: Nak Mday Mafia 2020 - Nak Mday Cheung Khlang Kompoul Lbech 2020 - Khun Mae Mafia คุณแม่มาเฟีย The Mother Mafia , My Mom’s a Mafia, Nak Mday Cheung Khlang Kompoul Lbech
The story begins 18 years ago. Phayak is a 20-year-old bright-faced young man who dreams of becoming a rapper. But he was born as the only heir to the famous Tiger Wing mafia gang, which has many businesses in Thailand and abroad. His youthful life was coerced, even when he found love with Phin, a beautiful and sweet girl from the same university. Both of them had sworn in front of the Sacred God to care and sacrifice for each other forever.
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