Title: Pesak Kam Bombek Kdey Atkombang 2013 - Disclosed 揭秘
When she receives a text message from her best friend Wen Yan, Jun Xiang (Jesseca Liu) fails to stop her from committing suicide on the day of her wedding. Questions start to arise after her death when rumours of Wen Yan being involved in an affair with a university professor spread on the Internet. After repeatedly failing to clinch a job at any of the reputable law firms, Jun Xiang sinks into depression until Wen Chang Yu (Tender Huang) recruits her into his law firm. To her surprise, her first client is her university professor, Chen Ting Zhong, who confesses to being blackmailed about his affair with Wen Yan. Chang Yu assembles a team of individuals with their own set of special skills and manages to nail the blackmailer who is revealed to be John, a former student of Ting Zhong. As the firm takes on more cases, Jun Xiang and Chang Yu begin to develop feelings for each other and the pair eventually gets together. However, Jun Xiang’s father is revealed to be involved in money laundering. Forced to choose between family and justice, how will she make her choice and what will become of her relationship with Chang Yu?
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