Title: Srey Touch Chong Keang Keov I 2002 - Sao Noi Tha Kieng Kaew สาวน้อยในตะเกียงแก้ว The Little Girl in The Glass Lamp , Little Genie in the Glass Lamp មន្ត្រាធីតាតូចចង្កៀងកែវ វគ្គ១ Montra Thida Touch Chongkeang Keov I
There wasn't a cascading giant in the lantern. But she's a charming, dreamy-looking witch! ...Issar, an ordinary young man who is down on his luck, receives a glass lamp from a strange old woman. He did not know that the lantern he had obtained was a magical item. which is the residence of a young witch named Ginny. And as soon as she appeared The world that the young man had known began to change. When one adheres to being a slave of love But another person had doubts in his heart. How will the love between a human and a witch end? Let's find out in the little girl in the glass lamp.
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