[EP.15End] Police Chit Klang Bongkrab Nak Leng 2016 – Sarawat Teuan
1 Police Chit Klang Bongkrab Nak Leng 2016
Title: ប៉ូលីសចិត្តខ្លាំងបង្ក្រាបអ្នកលេង Police Chit Klang Bongkrab Nak Leng 2016 – Sarawat Teuan สารวัตรเถื่อน The Furious Inspector
The genre is action and drama with love, friendship, sacrfice and unity. When the nation is highly influenced and dominated by illegal crime organizations even the law cannot fight, the Criminal Investigations Unit sends in an ex-military man as an undercover inspector to repress. Along with other talented spies, they form a group to fight against crime. They believe that as long as there is still evil, their mission isn’t over yet.
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The Furious Inspector
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