[EP.16End] The Cupid IV – Kamtep Tomlous Besdong 2017 – Loob Korn Kammathep
6 Kamtep Tomlous Besdong 2017
Title: The Cupid IV កាមទេពទំលុះបេះដូង Kamtep Tomlous Besdong 2017 លក្ខខណ្ឌបំបាក់ស្នេហ៍ Leak Khan Bombak Sneh – Loob Korn Kammathep
Karageade is a girl who has lots of problems in her life. When she was drunk she unconsciously signs a contract with seven other girls in the Cupid Hut that she will find a boyfriend in one year. Daniel is a half-caste guy who she meets and decides to go after him. Unknown to her, Daniel is an undercover cop who is on the job investigate in a case. What will happened when they find out each other problems.
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