[EP.01-14] អព្ភូតហេតុស្នេហ៍ខ្ញុំ Prous Te Kdey Srolagn 2025 – My Miracle – Aphuthet Sne Knhom
2-Prous Te Kdey Srolagn 2025 – My Miracle – Aphut Het Sneh Kjom
Title: ព្រោះតែក្ដីស្រឡាញ់ Prous Te Kdey Srolagn 2025 – My Miracle รักจะตาย Rak Ja Tai , Rak Cha Tai អព្ភូតហេតុស្នេហ៍ខ្ញុំ Aphut Het Sneh Kjom
The story of “Neeracha”, a talented working woman who devotes her whole life to working hard to beat her competitors. She parties all night like a single woman, living her life to the fullest. But in reality, her only goal in life is to be accepted by everyone around her, especially her family.
Until she meets “Markawat”, a handsome blogger who volunteers to join charity projects and always helps others willingly. Neeracha’s extreme and workaholic personality makes her look like a bad person in Markawat’s eyes, so he chooses to stay as far away from her as possible. But many events and coincidences make the two of them meet and always end up in the same situation.
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